The Leslie Social Science building is located next to the Leslie Commerce building, and displays similar forms of deterioration. Construction of the 5 storey building was completed in 1976, making the current age of the building 36 years old. The building is made up of reinforced concrete components and the exterior consists of a layer of plaster.
Repair Options
Immediate maintenance procedures should be performed to remove all loose and unsafe plaster from the building.
The missing plaster should be replaced to increase the protection of the concrete against corrosion.
Cause of Damage
Due to the similar construction techniques between Leslie Commerce and Leslie Social Science, the plaster layer is failing due to the same reasons as Leslie Commerce.
The spalling concrete has occured due to low cover depths which has left the reinforced concrete vulnerable to corrosion.
Damage and Deterioration
The outer plaster layer of the building is suffering from severe delamination, causing large sections of the plaster to fall from the building. The delaminated plaster has left the underlying concrete shell visible affecting the appearance of the building. The northern facade shows the greatest proportion of damage.
Spalling concrete and exposed reinforcement are also visible in the areas of delaminated plaster, with the soffits and the column sides showing the greatest damage.
Delaminated plaster on the columns of the northern facade.
Delaminated plaster on beams and columns of the northern facade.
Spalling concrete and severe reinforcement corrosion of vertical surface above a window, with a visible loss of reinforcement cross-sectional area.
Delaminated plaster on the columns of the northern facade.
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